What are the finer details of your Photograph package?

- Client receives raw and JPEG files from the shoot.

- 10 file selections provided to the client for editing and retouching.

- Photographer and client will retain full rights of use. This includes website(s) and social media for promotional use unless prior arrangements have been made.

What is included with your Video package?

- Clients will receive edited MP4 files. If desired, CLOG3 files can be provided upon request.

- Consultation and planning of the video shoot for the client.

- Videographer and client will retain full rights of use. This includes website(s) for promotion and social media use unless prior arrangements have been made.

How are your rates determined?

Factors that determine rates include:

- Travel costs associated with getting to the location.

- Set up and take down, including lighting and camera gear brought to the shoot on the day of.

- Any editing and retouching of photos as well as video files.

- Consultation and preparation for photo and video shoot.

Where are you based?

Denver, CO.

Using Format